Friday, September 27, 2013

It's All Coming Back to Me Now

Football is a big deal in my house.  So are my 5 rescued greyhounds.

A few weeks back my husband Jack and I watched a game between the Denver Broncos and the New York Giants.  At half time the score was Denver 10, New York Giants 9.  My husband casually commented that Denver 10 Giants 9 was the same score at half time when the Giants met Denver in Superbowl XXI after the 1986 season.  He then announced that the Giants came back to beat Denver by a final score of 39 to 20.

Who remembers the half time score of a game played 26 years ago?  I turned to make sure Jack hadn’t just googled the information but I could see that his phone was nowhere near him.  I passed it off as nonsense and continued watching the game.  After halftime, announcer Phil Simms, Quarterback for the 1986 Giants, confirmed what Jack had just said only moments earlier.  That the Denver Broncos were leading his Giants 10 to 9 at halftime of Superbowl XXI; a game the Giants came back to win 39 to 20. 

My husband gave me an “I told you so” look and a “how ‘bout that” nod as I walked past him into the kitchen.

At that moment I saw my 13 year old greyhound Kira, who does not bark, standing outside my sliding glass doors waiting patiently to come in.  The time was 7:00.  I asked Jack what time he had let her out.  He said right after he had fed her at 6. 

It’s a good thing there wasn’t a football helmet nearby.  The final score would have been 10 blows to the head, 9 to the groin.

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