Thursday, June 21, 2012

2011 Christmas Card

Every year I create my own Christmas cards with the help of Vistaprint.  It's usually just some pictures of my greyhounds with my husband Jack's and my name printed on it under the obligatory Merry Christmas banner.  In 2011 I decided to get a little more creative, if one describes ripping off the "Twas the Night Before Christmas" poem, creative.  But that's what I did.  I had a good time writing it, so I figured I'd post it here:

Twas the year of our dogs, two thousand eleven
When Ben and Miranda were both called to heaven
Though sad from our loss, it required no force,
We adopted two more, why, Greyhounds, of course!

Five dogs again, laying snug on our beds
While visions of Woofies danced in their heads
Jack sleeping between two and more on the floor
Trying to get settled amongst racers galore.

Now Cooper!  Now Kira! Now Tiger and Gun!
How much chaos they cause, but we think “What fun!”
Sabrina Fair is the savior, she packs quite a punch
At just two years old, she’s the babe of the bunch.

We spring to their needs for water and food
Thinking above all, that we just love this brood
So this time of year we thank heaven above
For giving us doggies who fill us with love

We know in our hearts that if given a choice
We’ll keep saving these dogs, who are given no voice
They love without reason, they love without bounds
So our Christmas is Merry.  Guess why:  Our Greyhounds!

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