Wednesday, February 27, 2013

They May Have Lost the War...

I survived Hurricane Sandy with no property damage and a power outage that lasted a little over a day.  The worst that happened to me was that I had to throw out a container of Friendly’s vanilla ice cream. I have much to be thankful for.

God Bless all those wonderful electrical workers who put their own lives on hold while they came up here from states like Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama and worked tirelessly to give us all back the gift of power and light.

But then I got to thinking.  Doesn't it worry anyone that so many southerners were so quick to help us out?  I’m thinking that maybe all of those guys from the south got together, formed a plan and then rushed up here and rigged something throughout the state so that one day in the not too distant future, we’ll all hear a big CLICK and the entire state will be thrust back into darkness. 

And then fireworks will illuminate the night sky with a message that says “Lights Out, Yankee.”

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