Monday, December 3, 2012

L-L-L Losers and the Jets

I was born into the wrong family.  I don’t mean a family without money either; I mean I was born into a family that roots for the Mets and Jets.  You know, losers.

The N.Y. Jets have a quarterback issue right now in that their current quarterback, Mark Sanchez, stinks.  As a football fanatic, I listen to all of the Sports talk radio shows and this is what the experts are saying:  one of the reasons the Jets have to play Sanchez is because of his 5 year contract.  In 2012 he stands to make about $11+ million and another $8+ million in 2013 and similar amounts in 2014-2016.  And because he stinks, the Jets can’t trade him because no one will want him at that price.  Rex Ryan, Jets head coach, has staunchly supported Sanchez week after horrible week.  Why you ask?  As one analyst put it, coaches have to be very careful with their quarterback’s psyche, because if they criticize them, they’ll play even worse.  Yesterday, during the football game I actually heard Brian Billick, TV announcer and former coach, say that if the Jets coach pulled Mark Sanchez, he would be “done” emotionally. 

Really?  At $11 million, he can afford a team of competent psychiatrists to help ease his bruised ego.  Not to mention any number of apt female companions, all willing to “help” him through his pain.  As far as his contract goes, they’re gonna have to pay him if he wins and pay him if he loses.  I say let him sit on the bench and give someone else a chance. 

More importantly however; and something no one is addressing:  what about the psyche of the average fan, me in particular, and how this has negatively affected me?  And what about the psyche of my poor dog who, after Sanchez threw his third pick, got hit in the head with the towel I threw.  

Curses to my mother and father.

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