Friday, December 14, 2012

Sign O' The Times

Was Netflix not the single greatest invention of its time since Al Gore patented the microwave oven?  I mean, really, could we get any lazier as a society? 

All I had to do was roll myself to my mailbox with my donut and Latte to receive a veritable plethora of movies that they pulled from my ‘queue.’ Then I rolled myself back to my couch where I sat on my cellulite ridden behind for hours on end watching an endless parade of films and TV shows with no threat of late fees. 

Then, when I decided I’d seen enough and wanted something different, all I had to do was waddle my way back down to the mailbox.  The most strenuous thing that was required of me was that I put the flag up.  And I could probably have paid somebody to do that for me.

Now, as if all that wasn’t easy enough, you can stream almost anything you want instantly to whatever device you have.  How did that come about?  Did somebody complain because toddling to their mailbox had become too cumbersome?  Honestly, how quickly do you have to watch every episode of American Idol?  Pretty soon they’ll start beaming the movies right into our heads while we sleep so we can critique them over a dozen eggs, a pound of bacon and a loaf of toast at breakfast.

Thanks to the Internet, we are rapidly becoming a society that will have no need for honest to goodness face to face contact with another human being. 

Personally, I can’t wait.    

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