Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Picture Perfect

My husband and I took a ride out the other day and as we drove down our block I saw that a neighbor of ours was having a patio put in.  There were 4 or 5, what I am assuming were Mexicans, doing the labor. 

On our way back home I realized that another neighbor, who seems to have some sort of allergic reaction to lawn mowers, had his lawn professionally mowed every week by, you guessed it, Mexicans. 

At that moment it occurred to me that when we had our property professionally landscaped many years ago, it was done by a team of, well, Mexicans.  In fact, every time we need some maintenance done on our property, it’s done by Mexicans. 

Then I got to wondering, why isn’t all of Mexico a nicely landscaped place?  It’s obvious these folks have a real knack for mowing, seeding, planting shrubs and building patios and decks.  So why does it always look so dilapidated and run down?  When I posed this question to my husband he said it’s because of a bad economy and because the people that live there are too poor to purchase what they need. 

What a shame.  Clearly these people have the know-how and ability to create some magnificent landscapes.  Somebody should tell them that tourism would increase ten-fold if, after they snuck out of the country and fixed up our property, they snuck back into theirs smuggling grass seed and Scott’s turf builder.

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