Wednesday, April 24, 2013

And the Emmy Goes To...

My father used to say the media was what was wrong with the country.  I’m inclined to agree.

On Friday, April 19th I worked half a day.  My husband was already home.  As soon as I got in the door, I ran to the couch, sat down and began watching CNN.  My husband confessed he had been glued to it all day.  Local law enforcement agencies, state police and SWAT teams were in “dramatic” pursuit of the Boston Marathon bombing suspect.  I know it was all very dramatic; Wolf Blitzer said so every third word. 

My husband looked at me around 3:00 and asked if I thought they would catch the guy.  I said sure they will; as soon as it’s Prime Time. 

Don’t get me wrong.  I have nothing but the highest regard for law enforcement officials on every level; these people put their lives on the line for us.  But doesn’t it strike anyone as odd that they captured this kid at 8:45 pm?  My guess is that sometime around 3:45 in the afternoon the conversation between two reporters went something like this:

“Charlie, do you see blood over there by that boat?”

“I sure do, Ernie.  Let’s ask the home owner.”  Knock. Knock.  “Hey is that your boat?  Really, the shrinkwrap was closed yesterday?  OK, call that in around 6:30pm and we’ll take it from there.” 

Prime Time.

I recently read an article about the motive of the kid who shot up the elementary school in Connecticut.  It seems he had done some research and found out what the largest death toll was from a shooting spree and decided he wanted to break the record.  That’s why he picked a school with young kids; because he knew he wouldn’t get much opposition.  These people don’t care if they die; they just want to be infamous.  I’m not saying that the Boston Marathon bomber was thinking the same way, he obviously has a whole different ideology as his driving motivation.  

I worry about the nuts who were out there, glued to the TV like I was, envious of this bombing suspect and the attention he was getting, wondering how they’re going to top that.

Makes me very afraid.

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