Wednesday, April 10, 2013

It's Making Me Nuts

My husband Jack and I are looking to buy property in another state because we want to get out of New Jersey.  A few years ago Jack took a trip to North Carolina to meet with a realtor and look at some lots.  I gave him our movie camera and explicit instructions to videotape as much of the area as he could so that I could look at it and see if I liked it. 

When he came home I couldn’t wait to view the video of the area that I might someday call home.  Imagine my surprise when I found that all he had taken was 5 minutes worth of movies, 3 of which were of a local squirrel.  Of course he looked like a really happy little squirrel which seemed to make my husband happy as well.  I could tell the squirrel liked the area he lived in and I was pleased for him.  I also noticed that North Carolina squirrels look surprisingly similar to New Jersey squirrels.

Say it for me.  My husband is an idiot.

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