Wednesday, January 2, 2013

God Bless You

Have you heard of this miracle product called Cold Eze?  Its claim to fame is that in clinical studies its proprietary formula has been shown to actually REDUCE the length and severity of your cold.

That’s amazing isn’t it? 

I just have a few questions.    

Isn’t the length and severity of your cold something you don’t know until after it’s over?  How can they, the makers of Cold Eze claim, with a straight face, that Cold Eze will reduce a cold by half its normal duration?  How does the average cold sufferer know that it wasn’t only going to last that long in the first place?  Furthermore, how can Mr. Eze claim that his product will lessen the patient’s symptoms?  Is he claiming that the average person should be able to predict ahead of time what his symptoms would have been if they didn’t take it in the first place?

Doesn’t it seem like Mr. Eze is giving the human race a lot more credit than he should?  

What’s probably closer to the truth is that Mr. Eze is banking on the utter stupidity, ignorance and complete buffoonery of the general public at large.  I would know; my husband bought the stuff.

I’d love to read the notes of the clinical trials:

“Patient A presents with a cold.  I gave him Cold Eze.  On his follow up he said his cold lasted 4 days, he sneezed 37 times and had a fever of 102°.  I told him his cold would have lasted 8 days, he would have sneezed 74 times and had a fever of 204°.  Patient was delighted.  Medical conclusion:  Cold Eze works miracles.”

I tried to reach Mr. Eze for confirmation but they told me he'd been out sick for over a week.

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