Thursday, January 17, 2013

Just The Facts, Ma'am

Why is it that when famous politicians, celebrities or sports figures die in an unexpected accident, and there are other non-famous people involved who also lost their lives in the tragedy, the other people’s names are never revealed?   

The news people will say something like “Brad Pitt was killed today when his twin engine plane crashed into the mountains in Switzerland.  9 other people including the pilot were on board.”  Why aren’t the other 9 people mentioned by name?  Aren’t they important too?  Surely someone must think so.

And if they’re not newsworthy, why doesn’t the newscaster just be honest and say what he’s really thinking?  “Brad Pitt was killed today when his twin engine plane crashed into the mountains in Switzerland.  We think there were other people on board, but we're not checking.  If we gave you their names and life history, you’d switch to the Family Guy.  And frankly we control the news and we don't care.  So there.  Hey Ernie, how about those Knicks?"

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