Monday, August 5, 2013

It's Not We We We All the Way to the Bank

What is it with men and their use of the word “we” when it comes to professional sports, as if they’re on the team?

My husband is a NY Giants fan and every Sunday during football season I have to hear about how “we” played well that weekend or how “we” are going to the Superbowl.  Last time I checked “he” was not making $8 million dollars a year nor did anyone care if “he” was wearing a Nike shirt or not.  And after a quick review of his most recent pay check, I learned that it was not signed by Giants manager Tom Coughlin.  In fact, Tom hasn’t even called to find out why Jack hasn’t yet reported to training camp. 

I noticed however that it’s “you” when it comes to cleaning, cooking, laundry, food shopping and paying bills.

I wish we would mind our own business.

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