Thursday, August 29, 2013

Methuselah Less 849

I recently read about a survey where 2,000 individuals were asked the following question:  If there was a medical treatment making it attainable, would you want to live to be 120 years old? 

56% of those questioned said they would not.  But 65% of the survey participants said they thought most people would want such a treatment.  Just over half felt that living to be 120 would be bad for society, putting a strain on natural resources.  Others said the treatment most likely would only be available to the rich.  Why do people have to go there?  This was a hypothetical question; yes or no. Would you want to live to be 120 if you could?  Who said anything about the treatment only being available to the rich?  These are the people we need to weed out anyway. 

My initial reaction was a resounding YES, I’d love to live to be 120!  I think it would be pretty darn cool to be around to see what was going to happen next.  What new breakthroughs could we expect in the war on cancer, space travel or low riding jeans for goodness sake?

Then I thought, what if I wasn’t able to take care of myself.  I wouldn’t want to live in a home. 

But then I thought, what the heck, my daughter would take care of me.  Until it dawned on me that she would be 98.

So maybe I don’t want to live to be 120.  Maybe I’ll just check out when I’m 85.  I’m expecting big things when I’m 80 and I figure 5 good years to enjoy them will be enough. 

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