Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It's Not That Easy Being Green

I know we’re all trying to go “green” these days, but God, isn’t there a limit?  I was in the ladies room at work when I noticed a new brand of toilet paper.  It was called Renature® Bathroom Tissue and the label said that it was 100% RECYCLABLE.  I stared at it for a while making sure I was reading it right since I was confused by toilet paper that boasted that it had the capability to be recycled.  When?  After I used it?  And into what?  Dinner napkins?  And where were they going to fish it out of?  The septic system?  Really?

When I mentioned it to a co-worker she said that it must have meant that it was MADE FROM recycled materials.  Well then shouldn’t it have said that it was 100% RECYCLED which would indicate that it was from previously used material?  And shouldn’t it specify exactly what these previously used materials were?  Because if it’s previously used toilet paper, we’re still in the same sinking bowl.

Frankly I was pretty unhappy no matter which way was right.   

I’m thinking I may not have been the only employee who was put off by the brand because I noticed that the company stopped using it.  Right after somebody overflowed the septic system with paper towels.

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