Monday, July 1, 2013

Look What I Didn't Find

           I don’t like it when people make me feel really, really stupid. 
Back in the 80’s when I was married to my first husband Scott, or as I affectionately refer to him, Bachelor #1, I was consumed with personal safety.  Ex-Scott worked late hours so if I went anywhere with my daughter, when I returned home I would search my entire house from top to bottom looking for hiding burglars. 
Upon returning home after an evening out with ex-Scott, I began my usual search of the house.  When he asked me what I was doing, I told him that I didn’t feel comfortable unless I searched the house to be sure there was no one hiding in it.  I further explained that it was a ritual I performed religiously each and every time I returned home.
He laughed and asked me what I was going to do if I ever found somebody. 
           Ha ha ha.  I hadn't thought of that.

           As it turns out, that holds up in court.

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