Wednesday, July 18, 2012

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

I have heard about this bit of lunacy on talk radio a few times and every time I hear it I still can’t believe my ears. 

We have a law in New Jersey that makes it illegal to talk on your cell phone while driving, which makes sense to me because I think it's dangerous.  But it seems that there are some people out there with an overly inflated sense of self that complain because cops are allowed to talk on their cell phones while they’re driving.  These nincompoops feel that if the cops can do it, they should be allowed to too.

You know what I think?  I think they're absolutely right.  I think they should be allowed to do everything the cops get to do.

So the next time a national landmarked is hit by a plane, a bank is robbed or there's a riot, these cry babies should be the first ones rushing inside to save everyone else. 

I think that's fair.

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