Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Do I Know You?

I was driving to work the other day and it occurred to me that you can tell everything in the world about someone just by reading the back of their car. 

Here’s what you can find out:

Their profession
Their religion
How many kids they have
Their kid’s names
What sports they play
What charities they donate to
Where they spent their vacation
What their other car is
Their nationality 
If their kids are smart
What sports their kids play
If their kid is a cheerleader
What animals they rescue
What their hobbies are
What sports team they like
What university they attended
Their favorite rock band
What radio station they listen to
If they carry a gun
If there are any children in the car
If they lost someone on 9/11
If they are a union member
What diseases they have

It’s endless.

But strike up a conversation with someone in line at the supermarket and you’re a weirdo.

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