Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hoity Toity

I’ll bet I know who invented the concept of ‘covering one’s plate’ at a wedding:  the first woman to have the gala event at a place she couldn’t afford.  Or Al Gore; this sounds like him. 

If I get invited to a wedding at the Ritz Carlton, why is it that the dollar amount of my gift has to be sufficiently large enough to pay for the food I’m eating when, if I attended the same wedding for the same couple at the local VFW, I could get away with giving the happy duo a Crock Pot?   Why do I have to fork over more of my hard earned money than I want to because some people want to show off?  Shouldn’t the theory be that if you pick an expensive place it’s because you can afford to pay for it, not because you’re expecting your guests to give you big gifts to make up for it?  If I have no say as to where the wedding is being held, then it’s the couple’s responsibility to pay for it.  Because if I have to pay more for a fancy place like I’m a financial backer for the shindig then I’m coming along on the honeymoon.  And I’m bringing my dogs. 

So to anyone out there considering inviting me to your wedding:  I’m giving you what the going rate is, possibly less, irrespective of where the event is held.  You picked the place; you cover my dish.  And my drinks.  Oh, and my parking.  You’re lucky I’m coming. 

This is why I hang around with poor people with low expectations. 

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