Thursday, October 25, 2012

I See a Tall, Dark Idiot in Your Future

I graduated from Douglass College in 1983 (insert joke here:  98% of the women in New Jersey are good looking; the other 2% go to Douglass).  My degree was in Theater Arts, specifically Playwriting.  For those of you who are wondering how that parlays into lucrative employment;  it ranks right up there with Basket Weaving.

I had a lot of electives to fill so for the heck of it I took various Psychology courses.  I remember a particularly fascinating article I read in one class that said a study was done in which 500 college students went to see a psychic and each one of them was told the exact same thing.  Amazingly, 496 of them said the psychic hit the nail on the head.   People are stupid.

On my way home from work every night I pass the same little pink house with a sign out front indicating the woman is a psychic and Tarot card reader.  The sign always reads “Open” but I’ve yet to see a car in the parking lot.  So I was wondering, if she’s psychic, wouldn’t she know beforehand when someone was going to be dropping by wanting a reading?  Shouldn’t she only open up when she knew someone was going to come by?  Or am I missing something?

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