Thursday, October 18, 2012

Please a break

I am tired of being harassed by snot-nosed kids who stand outside supermarkets and large box stores dressed in their football uniform or cheerleading outfit collecting for their squad so they can either buy new uniforms or go to some ridiculous competition in Florida.  Like I care about that.

I don’t mind donating, but if somebody wants me to reach into my pocketbook for some cash, it’s gonna have to be for a worthwhile cause or disease, not so some mope can play sports.  And I’m not talking about ADHD or ODD either.  I’m talking about a genuine disease that kills scads of people or a natural disaster that creates unparalleled panic and widespread grief.   Those are the good ones.

The parents can pay for new uniforms or for trips to Florida.  And if they can’t afford it, that’s too bad.  These kids won’t die if they don’t play football.  They're probably not that good anyway.

And to you, snot-nose:  the next time I walk past you and decide not to contribute and I hear you sarcastically tell me to “have a nice day” I’m gonna key the first car I see in the parking lot that says ‘Football Mom.’

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