I often wonder about things that define certain aspects of my life. Since I’ve been married 3 times I periodically ask myself, ‘Is it me? Am I the one to blame in my failed marriages? Do I do stupid, foolishly thought out or childish things?’ And I generally answer myself, ‘No, I don’t think so.’ But then I wonder...
Many years ago when I was in college, there was a very attractive young man in one of my classes who I wanted terribly to strike up a conversation with. One day while peeking at the teacher’s roster I noticed the name “Kermit” printed on it. A host of things started swirling through my mind like, honestly, who names their kid Kermit? I thought this might be an interesting ice breaker with my handsome classmate, Buddy.
A few days later I worked up the courage to approach Buddy. I asked him if he knew there was someone in the class named Kermit. He smiled politely and asked me if I was kidding. Knowing he would be ridiculously impressed by my sense of humor, I continued. I asked what he thought a Kermit might look like. If he thought he might be green or have a pig for a girlfriend. Oh, we had quite a laugh. I babbled on for a few minutes, making joke after Kermit joke. The next thing I knew Buddy was taking something out of his pocket. What was this I wondered? Why, it was his driver’s license! But why was he showing me his driver’s license? Oh. After that I’m kind of fuzzy on the details.
When I think back on that occasion, I ask myself, how am I to blame here? I mean honestly, who names their kid Kermit? Buddy was just fine.
Oddly enough, we never dated.
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